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Profile Basher S
Profile Basher C
For the sake of pseudo-anonymity, I am calling myself Profile Basher S on this site. I'm pretty sure anyone who has even a remote clue as to who I am won't have any trouble guessing at my identity.

I am a bastard. If I find something to make fun of, I will. When Chris Crocker posted his "Leave Britney Alone" video in a successful bid to gain as much attention as his deprived childhood demanded, I was going to flame him. However, after watching the video, I just closed the tab.

Profile Basher C asked me, "You're not going to flame him?"

I replied, "I don't hit women."

Ecksdees abounded.

So, that probably gives you a good example of the kind of snark I can produce.

I am not much to talk about. I am a twenty-something with no focus. I want to do everything and nothing at the same time. When I do put my mind to something, it gets done, and it gets done well. My hobbies are games, role-playing, drawing, writing, and snuggling with C.


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