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Profile Basher S
Profile Basher C

Profile Bashing is something of a community effort. Many of these profiles were in fact referred to us by someone else. Here you are free to submit what you want: comments, complaints, criticisms, or potential bashing material for our consideration.

Comments in general will be posted in the respective sections. If it is a comment about one particular profile, please limit those comments to the comments section posted on that particular webpage.


Like all good things, we have self-enforced standards we like to abide to when choosing our victims. In short, the hideously bad profiles make the Victims list, while the less bad make the Quickies. The profiles you submit to us to bash should meet the following guidelines.

1. More than five lines of text. We need SOMETHING to bash. If it's only one poorly-written sentence -- while the profile might be bad -- it's kind of like trying to hit a barely-there pinata.

2. The more typos, the better. We don't like to encourage poor-writing, but it's easier to pass someone off as dumb if they can't complete a sentence. The profiles which don't use a SINGLE period are usually gems.

3. It should embody some kind of stereotype. Look at our 99% of Who You'll Meet in the Keep for possible molds. Chimeras, vampires, and nekos are usually shoe-ins.

4. Try to keep personal vendettas out of it. Don't send us profiles of people you particularly dislike unless they're truly awful. We also discourage against harassing the players of the characters we do bash. You're free to direct them to our site; if they get angry it should stop at the comment box.

There may be more to add, but I can't think of any at the moment.

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