Navigation About DSI...
Mission Statement
The Essays
The Victims
The Short List
The Quickies
The Lulz Factory
Profile Basher S
Profile Basher C
You may have noticed that this website is copyrighted to Darkstar Industries, Inc.

That is the pseudo-organization that C and I created many years ago to facilitate the destruction, or at least uneasy existence, of stupidity. It was also a forum for our role-playing group which has since fallen apart due to real life and player apathy (the banes of many a game, as any role-player would know).

DSI has been responsible for much chaos in The Keep. In the even-days of 2002, the fad was started by C. I thought it looked fun, so I jumped in. I liked her concept, so I started recruiting members aggressively. At its peak, DSI had over 20 core members and over 40 allies.

Those were glorious days, filled with RP and lulz. Alas, they are but memories now.

C and I have taken to other endeavors, this being one of them. Most of our projects are spawned of boredom, but what can one do but act on the inspiration?

© 2001-2008 Darkstar Industries, Inc.